Root canal Ellenbrook: Do you always need a crown after a root canal?

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, is a dental procedure that involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the inside of a tooth, cleaning the root canals, and sealing them to prevent further infection. Root canal treatment is typically necessary when a tooth has a deep cavity or crack that has reached the pulp, causing pain and infection.

After the root canal treatment, the tooth is left weakened and vulnerable to further damage. This is where the role of restorative dentistry comes in to provide a long-term solution to prevent the tooth from breaking down and potentially losing it. Visit root canal Ellenbrook today to learn more!

Key Takeaway:

  • Root canal treatment involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from inside a tooth and sealing the root canals to prevent further infection.
  • A crown is not always necessary after a root canal, as the decision depends on various factors, such as the location, type, extent of the damage, and patient’s overall oral health.
  • For front teeth with small to moderate damage, fillings or dental bonding may suffice, while back teeth may need a crown due to chewing and biting pressure.
  • Other alternatives to crowns after root canal treatment include inlays, onlays, and porcelain veneers.
  • A crown is usually necessary after a root canal for extensively damaged teeth, such as large cavities, cracks, or fractures, and to maintain the tooth’s function and appearance.
  • The benefits of a crown after a root canal include protection, restoration, and prevention of future tooth decay and gum disease.
  • It is recommended to seek treatment from a qualified dental professional who specializes in endodontic treatment.
  • Without a crown, the tooth may be at risk of further damage, decay, or infection, and the lifespan of a root canal treated tooth may only last for a few years before requiring additional treatment.

Is a Crown Always Necessary After a Root Canal?

While a crown is often recommended after a root canal treatment, it is not always necessary. The decision to place a crown on the tooth after the root canal treatment depends on several factors such as the location of the tooth, the type of tooth, the extent of the damage, and the patient’s overall oral health.

For front teeth that have a small to moderate cavity or crack, a filling or dental bonding can be used to restore the tooth’s structure and protect it from further damage. However, for back teeth that endure a lot of chewing and biting pressure, a crown is usually recommended to provide more protection and durability to the tooth.

Alternatives to Crowns After Root Canal Treatment

In addition to fillings and dental bonding, other alternatives to crowns after root canal treatment include inlays and onlays and porcelain veneers. Inlays and onlays are used to restore larger areas of decay or damage, while porcelain veneers are a cosmetic option to improve the appearance of a front tooth.

When is a Crown Necessary After a Root Canal?

A crown is typically necessary after a root canal treatment for teeth that have suffered extensive damage, such as large cavities, cracks, or fractures. A crown provides a protective covering for the tooth, ensuring that it does not fracture or break down, and maintains its function and appearance for a longer time.

Additionally, the type of restoration also depends on the location of the tooth. Molars and premolars generally require crowns after root canal treatment due to the biting pressure they endure, while front teeth may only require fillings or dental bonding.

Benefits of a Crown After a Root Canal

There are many benefits to having a crown after a root canal. A crown helps to protect the tooth and restore its original shape. It also helps to prevent future tooth decay and gum disease. In some cases, a crown may be necessary after a root canal to ensure that the tooth is fully restored. Always consult with your dentist to determine if a crown is necessary after a root canal.

  • Improved appearance

If you have had a root canal done in Ellenbrook, you may be wondering if you always need a crown after the procedure. The answer to this question is somewhat complicated, as it depends on the specific root canal procedure that was performed. However, in general, most root canals do require a crown in order to ensure that the tooth is fully healed.

  • Increased strength

There is some debate over whether or not a crown is always necessary after a root canal. Some believe that a crown may not be necessary if the root canal was done correctly and the tooth is stable. Others believe that a crown is always necessary to protect the tooth and ensure that the root canal was successful. It is always best to speak with a dentist about your specific needs after a root canal. Visit to learn more.

Protection from further damage

If you have had a root canal, you may be wondering if you always need a crown after the procedure. The answer to this question depends on the type of root canal you have had and the severity of the damage. If the root canal was done using a standard technique and the damage is limited to the root canal wall, a crown may not be necessary. However, if the damage is more extensive, or if there are any signs of infection, a crown may be necessary to protect the tooth and prevent further damage.

After a root canal, you may or may not need a crown. If the root canal was done correctly, the pulp and nerve should be saved and the tooth should not require a crown. If there are any problems with the root canal, or if the tooth is severely damaged, a crown may be necessary.

Finding the Right Dental Professional for Root Canal Treatment

When it comes to root canal treatment, it is essential to seek treatment from a qualified dental professional who specializes in endodontic treatment. General dentists can perform root canal treatment, but it is recommended to see an endodontist for more complex cases.

Factors to consider when choosing a dental professional for root canal treatment include their experience, qualifications, and availability of the latest technology and equipment for optimal treatment outcomes. Additionally, it is crucial to ask questions and understand the treatment plan before the procedure to ensure that it meets your needs and expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you get a root canal and no crown? 

If you get a root canal but don’t get a crown, your tooth may be at risk for further damage or infection. This is because a root canal removes the infected or damaged pulp inside the tooth, but the crown is needed to protect the remaining structure of the tooth from cracking or breaking. Without a crown, the tooth may become more vulnerable to decay, fracture or infection.

How long does a root canal last without a crown? 

The lifespan of a root canal without a crown can vary depending on several factors, such as the location of the tooth in the mouth and how well the tooth is cared for. However, a root canal treated tooth without a crown may only last for a few years before requiring additional treatment, such as a crown or even extraction.

Is there an alternative to getting a crown? 

If you are unable or unwilling to get a crown after a root canal, there are some alternatives. One option is to place a filling instead of a crown. While fillings are less expensive and less invasive than crowns, they may not provide the same level of protection as a crown. Another option is to use a dental onlay or overlay, which is a custom-made restoration that covers only a portion of the tooth.

How long do teeth with root canals last? 

The lifespan of teeth with root canals can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as how well the tooth is cared for and the location of the tooth in the mouth. However, with proper care and regular dental check-ups, a tooth that has had a root canal can last a lifetime.

Does teeth become weak after root canal? 

A tooth that has had a root canal can become weaker over time because the removal of the pulp inside the tooth can cause it to become more brittle and susceptible to cracking or breaking. This is why a crown or other protective restoration is often recommended to strengthen the tooth.

Is a root canal permanent? 

A root canal is a permanent treatment in that it removes the infected or damaged pulp inside the tooth, which cannot regenerate. However, it is important to note that the restoration placed on the tooth after the root canal, such as a crown, filling or onlay, may need to be replaced or repaired over time.

Can tooth decay happen after root canal? 

Yes, tooth decay can occur in a tooth that has had a root canal. While the infected or damaged pulp has been removed during the root canal, the remaining structure of the tooth can still decay if proper oral hygiene is not maintained. It is important to continue brushing and flossing regularly and to visit your dentist for regular check-ups to prevent decay from forming.


Root canal treatment is a common dental procedure that can save a tooth and prevent the need for extraction. While a crown is not always necessary after a root canal treatment, it is often recommended to provide long-term protection and restoration to the tooth. However, there are several alternatives to crowns, including fillings, inlays and onlays, and porcelain veneers.